Regulatory Reporting Services
Helping financial institutions meet compliance requirements
Penalties for non-compliance with regulatory reporting are higher than ever. The ongoing cost of producing those reports can be significant and are growing.

Meeting regulatory reporting requirements are complex and challenging endeavors causing chaos at many financial institutions.

That is where MYFS, with our experience and expertise, can help and bring our systematic and methodological approach to facilitate establishment of business systems and processes for easier reporting operations.

MYFS provides its clients with a wide range of cost-effective services to implement regulatory reporting strategies and support ongoing operations, including:

  • Regulatory reporting platform selection
  • Project budgeting, planning and administration
  • Guidelines for defining and designing operational processes
  • Business requirements and specifications
  • Defining and specifying business rules and interfaces
  • System testing and quality assurance
  • Documentation of systems and manual procedures
  • Planning and facilitating testing
  • Support of regulatory reporting production and financial operations functions

MYFS specializes in bank and bank holding company regulatory reporting, including:

  • FFIEC002
  • FFIEC031
  • FFIEC041
  • FFIEC101
  • FR Y-9C
  • FR Y-9LP
  • FR Y-2314
  • FR Y-11
  • FR Y-14 A,M,Q
  • ... plus others